2025 Schedule
Notice of Race for All Fleets
2025 Fleet Schedule
All Soling racing will start at 11:00 AM
All IOM racing will start at 11:00 AM
All DF65 racing will start at 11:00 AM
If you wish to confirm a race day please contact us 24 hours prior at stevestonrcsailing@gmail.com
Get ready for the 2025 season of Soling racing at Imperial Landing!
The 2025 Soling Fleet Captain is Pat Hepburn (patrick.hepburn@gmail.com) and the co-Captain is Pat Dion (patdion@live.com). Please contact either of them if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions concerning this notice or Soling racing in general.
All racing will be conducted under the direction of a Principal Race Officer (the PRO). The PRO will be the Fleet Captain or their designate, or in the absence of the Fleet Captain or designate, the racers in attendance shall appoint a PRO. The PRO may be a competitor and may participate in the days racing on the same basis as other competitors. All competitors shall comply with any reasonable request or direction of the PRO concerning the conduct of the days racing.
Unless otherwise notified prior to race day, all sailing will be at the Imperial Landing site in Steveston. The PRO will determine the starting area and course layout.
Racing is open to all SRCS members. Guests are welcome to participate in a maximum of three non-trophy racing days per annum. They may be required to sign a club approved waiver form prior to entry and their results may not be included in series scoring events. Guests are expected to apply for membership in the Club if they wish to participate on a regular basis.
Spring Series: Every Thursday commencing March 13, 2025 and ending June 26, 2025 .
Summer Fun: Every Thursday commencing July 3, 2025 and ending August 28, 2025.
Fall Series: Every Thursday commencing September 4, 2025 and ending November 14, 2025.
First race on all sailing dates will start at 11:00 am or thereafter as directed by the PRO. A practice race(s) may be held at discretion of the PRO. Racing may be abandoned at any time at discretion of PRO, but no race will start after 13:00 except with the agreement of all competitors.
The PRO shall appoint a scorer for each race. The scorer may be a competitor and may be different for each race. (If necessary, we will, as we did in 2024, take turns keeping our boat out of the water and calling the start and recording the finish. For that race, the boat will be given the average of it’s daily score.)
The scorer shall record the finish positions of the competitors and shall note any competitors that are DNF (Did Not Finish), DNS (Did Not Start) or DNC (Did Not Compete). A race will not be scored unless there at least 3 boats that start the race. Competitors are expected to notify the scorer and PRO if they start a race but do not finish it for any reason, if they are leaving the starting area for any reason, or if they are in the starting area but do not intend to start in a race.
Each day’s racing will be scored and recorded as a separate event. There will be one discard for every four races sailed. Additionally, in the Spring or Fall Series as applicable each boat’s score in the series will be the aggregate of their scores using 50% throw-outs. For example, if there are ten race days in the Fall Series and a total of 82 races are sailed, then each competitor would count their best 41 races over the course of the ten race days. If a competitor did not compete in 21 of the races (25% of the total races), they would not be scored in the series. If they competed in more than 21 races but less than 41 races (50% of the total races) then all their race scores would be counted, and they would be scored as DNC in all races in which they did not compete. This year, prizes will be awarded for both Spring and Fall series.
In the event a protest hearing is required, it shall be conducted on the dock on the day of the incident and at a time specified by the PRO, but not later than 13:00, unless all parties agree otherwise. The protest committee shall consist of three persons appointed by the PRO and may include other competitors, provided they are not involved as parties or witnesses in the protested incident.
If there is a conflict in sail numbers, then the PRO will determine priority on the following order:
1. SRCS member;
2. Number on 2024 Master List circulated to all club members;
3. Registered Personal Number with CRCYA;
4. Last two digits of hull number;
5. First to report to the PRO will have priority and the PRO may require the other(s) to alter their number with tape
If your number is called at the start as being OCS, then you must either return and restart at the first practicable opportunity, or you must promptly retire from the race. You may NOT continue racing with the intention of not finishing or scoring an OCS.
RULES OF SAILING: Except as modified herein, all racing shall be conducted in accordance with World Sailing: The Racing Rules of Sailing, including Soling class rules.
All competitors must be familiar with and always comply with the SRCS Safety Protocol and all amendments and supplements thereto, including any COVID restrictions. All competitors shall comply with all safety related requests of the PRO. The SRCS executive may at any time distribute by email to competitors safety alerts, updates, additions or revisions to the safety protocols and all competitors are required to familiarize themselves and to comply with the same.
The Fleet Captain, the PRO or their delegate may amend or supplement this Notice of Race at any time by notice to the competitors, including notice by email or by verbal notice to competitors at any competitors meeting.
The 2025 IOM Fleet Captain is Bud Fassnacht (Bud.Fassnacht@ledcor.com) and the Co-Captain is Allan Gardner (allan.gardner@gmail.com). Please contact either of them if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions concerning this notice or IOM racing in general.
All racing will be conducted under the direction of a Principal Race Officer (the PRO). The PRO will be the Fleet Captain or their designate, or in the absence of the Fleet Captain or designate, the racers in attendance shall appoint a PRO. The PRO may be a competitor and may participate in the days racing on the same basis as other competitors. All competitors shall comply with any reasonable request or direction of the PRO concerning the conduct of the days racing.
Unless otherwise notified prior to race day, all sailing will be at the Imperial Landing site in Steveston. The PRO will determine the starting area and course layout.
Racing is open to all SRCS members. Guests are welcome to participate in a maximum of three non-trophy racing days per annum. They may be required to sign a club approved waiver form prior to entry and their results may not be included in series scoring events. Guests are expected to apply for membership in the Club if they wish to participate on a regular basis.
Spring Series: Every second and fourth Sunday commencing March 23, 2025 and ending June 22, 2025.
Summer Fun: Every second and fourth Sunday commencing July 13, 2025 and ending August 23, 2025.
Fall Series: Every second and fourth Sunday commencing September 14,2025 and ending November 9, 2025.
First race on all sailing dates will start at 11:00 am or thereafter as directed by the PRO. A practice race(s) may be held at discretion of the PRO. Racing may be abandoned at any time at discretion of PRO, but no race will start after 13:00 except with the agreement of all competitors.
The PRO shall appoint a scorer for each race. The scorer may be a competitor and may be different for each race.
(If necessary, we will, as we did in 2024, take turns keeping our boat out of the water and calling the start and recording the finish. For that race, the boat will be given the average of it’s daily score.)
The scorer shall record the finish positions of the competitors and shall note any competitors that are DNF (Did Not Finish), DNS (Did Not Start) or DNC (Did Not Compete). A race will not be scored unless there at least 3 boats that start the race. Competitors are expected to notify the scorer and PRO if they start a race but do not finish it for any reason, if they are leaving the starting area for any reason, or if they are in the starting area but do not intend to start in a race.
We will score two ways this year-
Each day’s racing will be scored and recorded as a separate event. There will be one discard for every four races sailed.
Additionally, in the Spring or Fall Series as applicable each boat’s score in the series will be the aggregate of their scores using 50% throw-outs. For example, if there are six race days in the Fall Series and a total of 82 races are sailed, then each competitor would count their best 41 races over the course of the six race days. If a competitor did not compete in 21 of the races (25% of the total races), they would not be scored in the series. If they competed in more than 21 races but less than 41 races (50% of the total races) then all their race scores would be counted, and they would be scored as DNC in all races in which they did not compete.
So, the scores for both the Spring and Fall series will be combined and prizes awarded to the winners of the year’s competition, excluding summer fun.
In the event a protest hearing is required, it shall be conducted on the dock on the day of the incident and at a time specified by the PRO, but not later than 13:00, unless all parties agree otherwise. The protest committee shall consist of three persons appointed by the PRO and may include other competitors, provided they are not involved as parties or witnesses in the protested incident.
If there is a conflict in sail numbers, then the PRO will determine priority on the following order:
1. SRCS member;
2. Number on 2024 Master List circulated to all club members;
3. Registered Personal Number with CRYA;
4. Last two digits of hull number;
5. First to report to the PRO will have priority and the PRO may require the other(s) to alter their number with tape
If your number is called at the start as being OCS, then you must either return and restart at the first practicable opportunity, or you must promptly retire from the race. You may NOT continue racing with the intention of not finishing or scoring an OCS.
RULES OF SAILING: Except as modified herein, all racing shall be conducted in accordance with World Sailing: The Racing Rules of Sailing, including IOM class rules.
All competitors must be familiar with and comply at all times with the SRCS Safety Protocol and all amendments and supplements thereto, including any COVID restrictions. All competitors shall comply with all safety related requests of the PRO. The SRCS executive may at any time distribute by email to competitors safety alerts, updates, additions or revisions to the safety protocols and all competitors are required to familiarize themselves and to comply with the same.
The Fleet Captain, the PRO or their delegate may amend or supplement this Notice of Race at any time by notice to the competitors, including notice by email or by verbal notice to competitors at any competitors meeting.
The 2025 DF 65 Fleet Captain is Chris Harrison (christopher_harrison@telus.net) and the Co-Captain is Wilson Chung (denisonircsailing@gmail.com). Please contact either of them if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions concerning this notice or DF 65 racing in general.
All racing will be conducted under the direction of a Principal Race Officer (the PRO). The PRO will be the Fleet Captain or their designate, or in the absence of the Fleet Captain or designate, the racers in attendance shall appoint a PRO. The PRO may be a competitor and may participate in the days racing on the same basis as other competitors. All competitors shall comply with any reasonable request or direction of the PRO concerning the conduct of the days racing.
Unless otherwise notified prior to race day, all sailing will be at the Imperial Landing site in Steveston. The PRO will determine the starting area and course layout.
Racing is open to all SRCS members. Guests are welcome to participate in a maximum of three non-trophy racing days per annum. They may be required to sign a club approved waiver form prior to entry and their results may not be included in series scoring events. Guests are expected to apply for membership in the Club if they wish to participate on a regular basis.
Spring Series: Every first and third Sunday commencing March 16 2025 and ending June 29, 2025.
Summer Fun: Every first and third Sunday commencing July 6, 2025 and ending Aug 41, 2025.
Fall Series: Every first and third Sunday commencing September 7, 2025 and ending November 16, 2025.
First race on all sailing dates will start at 11:00 am or thereafter as directed by the PRO. A practice race(s) may be held at discretion of the PRO. Racing may be abandoned at any time at discretion of PRO, but no race will start after 13:00 except with the agreement of all competitors.
The PRO shall appoint a scorer for each race. The scorer may be a competitor and may be different for each race.
(If necessary, we will, as we did in 2024, take turns keeping our boat out of the water and calling the start and recording the finish. For that race, the boat will be given the average of it’s daily score.)
The scorer shall record the finish positions of the competitors and shall note any competitors that are DNF (Did Not Finish), DNS (Did Not Start) or DNC (Did Not Compete). A race will not be scored unless there at least 3 boats that start the race. Competitors are expected to notify the scorer and PRO if they start a race but do not finish it for any reason, if they are leaving the starting area for any reason, or if they are in the starting area but do not intend to start in a race.
We will score two ways this year-
Each day’s racing will be scored and recorded as a separate event. There will be one discard for every four races sailed.
Additionally, in the Spring or Fall Series as applicable each boat’s score in the series will be the aggregate of their scores using 50% throw-outs. For example, if there are six race days in the Fall Series and a total of 82 races are sailed, then each competitor would count their best 41 races over the course of the six race days. If a competitor did not compete in 21 of the races (25% of the total races), they would not be scored in the series. If they competed in more than 21 races but less than 41 races (50% of the total races) then all their race scores would be counted, and they would be scored as DNC in all races in which they did not compete.
So, the scores for both the Spring and Fall series will be combined and prizes awarded to the winners of the year’s competition, excluding summer fun.
In the event a protest hearing is required, it shall be conducted on the dock on the day of the incident and at a time specified by the PRO, but not later than 13:00, unless all parties agree otherwise. The protest committee shall consist of three persons appointed by the PRO and may include other competitors, provided they are not involved as parties or witnesses in the protested incident.
If there is a conflict in sail numbers, then the PRO will determine priority on the following order:
1. SRCS member;
2. Number on 2024 Master List circulated to all club members;
3. Registered Personal Number with CRYA;
4. Last two digits of hull number;
5. First to report to the PRO will have priority and the PRO may require the other(s) to alter their number with tape
If your number is called at the start as being OCS, then you must either return and restart at the first practicable opportunity, or you must promptly retire from the race. You may NOT continue racing with the intention of not finishing or scoring an OCS.
RULES OF SAILING: Except as modified herein, all racing shall be conducted in accordance with World Sailing: The Racing Rules of Sailing, including DF 65 class rules.
All competitors must be familiar with and comply at all times with the SRCS Safety Protocol and all amendments and supplements thereto, including any COVID restrictions. All competitors shall comply with all safety related requests of the PRO. The SRCS executive may at any time distribute by email to competitors safety alerts, updates, additions or revisions to the safety protocols and all competitors are required to familiarize themselves and to comply with the same.
The Fleet Captain, the PRO or their delegate may amend or supplement this Notice of Race at any time by notice to the competitors, including notice by email or by verbal notice to competitors at any competitors meeting.